
Give it to a Mum

Give it to a Mum

Agency News

Give it to a Mum

The inspiration behind our latest campaign, ‘Give it to a Mum,’ comes from a deeply personal place. It’s the first-of-its-kind brand campaign for BIG little LDN designed to champion the unsung efficiency, juggling act and pure brilliance that mums just do everyday.

This isn’t about criticising anyone who isn’t a Mum, or saying only mums have exceptional work ethic — far from it. Emma Critchley-Lloyd Founder of BIG little LDN comments,

"Having struggled for many years trying to become a mum, I know how complex and personal this topic can be. We had a lot of discussions about it. But ultimately, it came down to one simple truth: we are mums and this campaign is first and foremost about celebrating that reality for an agency run by mums."

There are so many memes, Reels, and TikToks out there poking fun at the differences between men and women when it comes to multitasking. Meet the Thorpes posted one recently where Tara managed to put all the washing away, tidy the room and reorganise a cupboard in the time it took her husband to put one plate away.

Obviously, this is hyper-exaggerated, and it’s not all men, but it’s funny, right? Because it’s relatable. And crucially, we’re laughing with them, not at them. But when you step away from social media and look at the professional world, why do we still have such a gender disparity? If women are more efficient, better at multi-tasking and can still deliver exceptional results - in a fraction of the time, why is it still an uphill battle for us?

Research has shown companies with more women in senior positions consistently outperform those that don’t by almost 40%.

Grant Thornton's 2024 Women in Business report shows that while the percentage of women in senior management roles has increased from 18% in 2004 to 34% today, progress remains disappointingly slow. At the current rate, we wouldn’t achieve gender parity until 2053.

Sophie Collins, Marketing Director of BIG little LDN adds,

"Women across the world are still discriminated against simply because they’re mums, pregnant, or even just thinking about having children.
Approximately 54,000 Mums in the UK leave their jobs each year due to inflexibility, childcare costs or discrimination and that's not ok.
So, this campaign isn't about saying Mums are better than anyone else. It’s about highlighting the fact that Mums are already doing the impossible every single day - balancing invisible mental loads, managing chaotic schedules and making it all work. Those skills, drive and resilience, translate directly into the workplace."

Mums are leaders.

They’re problem-solvers.

They bring a level of capability and efficiency to the table that’s been undervalued for far too long.

They’re not perfect. Sometimes we will drop a ball. But so will somebody else.

So, if you’re filling a position in 2025, any position, and you want it done well Give it to a Mum.

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