
9 tips for getting into Christmas gift guides 2024

9 tips for getting into Christmas gift guides 2024


9 tips for getting into Christmas gift guides 2024

As the holiday season approaches, getting your products featured in Christmas gift guides can significantly boost your brand visibility and sales. Here are nine of our tips to help you secure a spot in these coveted lists for 2024.

1. Start early

Timing is crucial. Most gift guides start planning months in advance, often by mid-year. Begin your outreach early to ensure you meet publication deadlines.

Action steps:

- Create a timeline for your outreach starting in June. Working back from November, when Christmas editions land on shelf, you have to consider everything in the run up to that - print run timings, editorial deadlines, drafting deadlines, finding the time to source and review products – you then see why for journalists and PR agents, Christmas starts in June.

- Identify key contacts and start building relationships early. We’ve got years of PR experience under our belt and as a result have built long-standing relationships with journalists covering a range of sectors from food and drink, hospitality, tech and fashion.

2. Research relevant gift guides

Identify which gift guides align with your target audience and product category. Not all gift guides are created equal, so focus on those that will provide the most relevant exposure and start cozying up to the journalists. They can work in-house for the publication directly, or on a freelance basis.  

Action steps:

- Use tools like Google and social media – X is particularly good for sourcing and compiling a hitlist of journalists.

- Make a list of guides that have featured similar products in the past.

3. Craft a compelling pitch

Your pitch should be concise, engaging and tailored to each publication. Highlight what makes your product unique and why it’s the perfect gift for their readers. Be warned – journalists get bombarded on a daily basis with emails to feature products and services that are neither well-crafted or relevant to the readership. It’s not enough for your company to simply exist. You have to stand head and shoulders above the rest with a compelling subject line and intro to get opened.

Highlight unique selling points and focus on what makes your product stand out, whether it's sustainability, innovation, or a unique story. Editors look for items that offer something special.

Leverage social proof and showcase any awards, testimonials, or notable mentions your product has received. Social proof can add credibility and make your product more appealing.

Action steps:

- Personalise each pitch to the journalists' interests and the publications readership demographic.

- Include high-quality images and key product details – such as a description, RRP/ RSP and where it can be purchased from.

- Clearly articulate your product’s unique features in your pitch.

- Use storytelling to connect emotionally with the editor.

- Include snippets of customer reviews or testimonials in your pitch.

- Mention any awards or media coverage your product has garnered.

4. Provide samples

Editors and journalists are more likely to feature your product if they can see and experience it firsthand so be prepared to send free samples for review. It always helps if they arrive well presented, in a gift box if possible, with a handwritten note to make it personal. For food and drink it’s always a good idea to supply recipe cards and serving suggestions.

Action steps:

- Prepare sample packages that are professionally presented.

- Design recipe cards or servicing suggestions with mouthwatering or thirst quenching imagery if you're a food or drink brand.

- Follow-up to ensure the samples were received and ask for feedback

5. Offer exclusive deals

Incentivise editors by offering exclusive deals or discounts for their readers. This can make your product more attractive to feature.

Action steps:

- Create special discount codes or bundles specifically for gift guide readers.

- Highlight these offers prominently in your pitch.  

6. Follow up professionally

Persistence is key, but it’s important to follow up without being pushy. A gentle reminder can keep your product top-of-mind.

Action steps:

- Send a polite follow-up email if you haven’t heard back within two weeks.

- Offer additional information or answer any questions they might have.

7. Build relationships with journalists

Journalists are for life, not just for Christmas.  

Building long-term relationships with editors and journalists can increase your chances of being featured. Engage with them on social media and support their work throughout the year. A PR agency will be already doing this on a daily basis, so can take this load off you and leave you to focus on the 101 other things to do.

Action steps:

- Connect with editors on LinkedIn, follow them on X and engage with their content.

- Comment on and share their articles to build rapport.   

8. Track your outreach

Keep detailed records of who you’ve contacted, their responses, and any follow-up actions. This helps you stay organised and ensures you don’t miss any opportunities. Keep a record of any postal addresses in a safe secure CRM, or password protected file so you can re-engage with samples throughout the year.

Action steps:

- Use a CRM tool or spreadsheet to track your outreach efforts and make sure access is password protected.

- Set reminders for follow-up dates and actions.

9. Find a good PR agency

A good PR agency is one that cares about the success of your brand and isn’t going to rip you off – which can be difficult to determine before you’ve started working together. Look for agencies with experience in your industry and check their track record. Reviewing case studies and client testimonials can provide insights into their expertise and success rate.

A good PR agency should have strong connections with key media outlets and influencers in your industry. This network can help in getting your brand the visibility it needs. Ask what publications they have relationships with and what tools and software they use to source active journo requests. At BIG little LDN, you have a subscription to journalist request service and receive daily feature opportunities. These are easier to secure coverage for as you’re responding to an active request as opposed to pitching out cold in the hope your product is relevant at that time.

Additionally, look for agencies that have won industry awards or have been recognised for their work. This can be an indicator of their quality and credibility although awards are expensive to enter and attend, so don’t always judge a small agency by how many they have.

Lastly, evaluate the agency’s approach and communication style. After all PR is all about communications, so if you get collaborative vibes, they listen to your needs first and propose solutions after and work hard to understand your brand and its unique tone of voice then these are all strong indicators of a good PR agency.

First and foremost, you need to feel confident the agencies’ values align with your brand’s and you feel confident in their ability to represent your business.  


Getting your products featured in Christmas gift guides requires strategic forward planning, compelling pitches and proactive follow-ups. By starting early and focusing on building relationships, you can increase your chances of securing valuable placements in 2024 gift guides.


For more tips on effective PR strategies and getting featured in gift guides, speak to PR expert and BIG little LDN founder, Emma Critchley-Lloyd.  

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